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"Take this opportunity to attend TPCA’s Texas Prison Conditions Unity Conference to get educated by advocacy experts, the formerly incarcerated, and affected family members. Learn how you can make difference."
Texas has the highest number of prisons and incarcerates more individuals than any other state. The Texas prison system is riddled with a plethora of problems, many of which have been allowed to continue for decades. The sheer magnitude of the atrocities, coupled with the prisons being spread out across a large state makes united advocacy a logistical challenge. Although TPCA has had limited success in united advocacy, training, and policy change, we believe a united message from affected family members, advocacy organizations, formerly incarcerated, and the public community would bring forth more positive change. Over the course of the weekend, this Conference is designed to bring Texans together to build a network, receive training, and devise strategies surrounding joint involvement toward humane conditions within the Texas Prisons. Our hope is that this Conference will be the first of many Conferences like this and will continue to trend throughout the state of Texas.
"Second chance businesses, we would like to feature you as a sponsor of TPCA’s Texas Prison Conditions Unity Conference. We appreciate how you support second chance opportunities for Texas’ formerly incarcerated returning citizens. We agree with you that these citizens have skills to offer the community. Thank you for giving them the opportunity!"
What is this conference going to look like!?!
In an effort to provide networking opportunities, bring awareness and education, and develop strategies toward a united effort for condition-related positive change, the Conference will have three tracks containing various activities. These tracks are Affected Families, Advocates, and the General Public. Tracks were formed based on our 7 main prison condition-related topics and an assessment of the needs of our conference attendees. Activities will include the following:
Workshops (focused conversations for advocates to discuss ideas, strategies, and planning ex. Extreme
affected family members (ex. General Tips for Advocacy)
the general public (ex. How Prison Affects Community)
Panel Discussions
combined group (ex. Independent Oversight)
individual target groups (ex. Women's Prison - The Experience)
Presentations (all target groups combined ex. National Solitary Confinement Movement Video
presentation by National Religious Campaign Against Torture)
Advocacy tables and scheduled networking opportunities
"Advocates, Activists, and Abolitionists, We know that you are passionate about change within TDCJ. Come join TPCA at our Texas Prison Conditions Unity Conference to develop strategies, and interact with the public, other advocates, and affected families."
Featured Speakers
Coming Soon!
"Are you a parent, family member, or friend of an incarcerated individual? We would like to give you the tools to help you advocate on behalf of your loved ones. Attend TPCA’s Texas Prison Conditions Unity Conference to receive training, interact with helpful advocacy groups, and meet other affected families."
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