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As we all know, a lot of people are unaware of the conditions within TDCJ's prisons. Therefore, we need to spread the word. At TPCA, we believe one of the best ways to do that is by attending events in your area. On the calendar at the bottom of this page, you will find events, webinars, and panel discussion along with other functions and get-togethers. Hopefully, you will find one to attend and volunteer at to help bring awareness to the issues. If you would like to host an event or invite members of our team for presentation, scroll down and fill out the hosting form.

85 to Stay Alive Awareness Events
What is it? In an effort to bring awareness to the inhumane temperatures within the Texas Prisons, TPCA has a Mock Cell and Banner Exhibit that we bring to various locations throughout Texas. The Mock Cell has been heated to create a realistic experience. Our formerly incarcerated and family member volunteers are present to speak from first-hand experience.
Our Mock Cell events are typically conducted from May thru October. Currently, we are planning for this year's event. If you would like to host one of these events please contact us.

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